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A Scary, Spooky, Socially Distanced Halloween

A Scary, Spooky, Socially Distanced Halloween

Halloween in 2020 is going to be a little different, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be just as spooktacular as always! Instead of standard trick-r-treating and haunted houses, families will have to get extra creative this fall. And we’re here to help with that! Below are a few ideas for a hair-raising Halloween at home.

Costume Zoom Party

Dressing up is one of the best parts of Halloween, and it’s still a go! Get decked out in your best costumes and host a Zoom party online. Turn on some dance music and take turns showing off your elaborate outfits to your friends and family. Take a spin!

Treat Making

There may not be tricks this year, but treats are a must! A couple of our favorites? Candy apples and orange sugar cookies. Easy to make (and eat). Here’s our favorite candy apple recipe, free of corn syrup! For an easy-to-make sugar cookie mix, we love this recipe. Just add orange food coloring for an autumnal theme.

Scary Movie Night

Snuggle in on the couch in your costumes (or some pumpkin-themed PJs) with your freshly made treats and enjoy some spine-chilling cinema. There’s something for every age category, from thrillingly cute cartoons to shocking monster movies. Set up orange lights around the TV for an added touch of magic.

With the activities above, plus family and friends we love, this Halloween is set to be frightfully fun! And who knows, this may lead to some new thrilling traditions you’ll celebrate for years to come. Happy Halloween, everyone!

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