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Why Fathers Love The Baby Shusher | Baby Shusher Blog

Why Fathers Love The Baby Shusher | Baby Shusher Blog

One of the toughest challenges parents face has to be getting little ones to sleep! Looking back, I can honestly say that Baby Shusher is the device I wish I had for my daughter in the first two years of her life. But can this nifty product really make baby sleep easier? Read on to find out!

Is Baby Shusher worth it?

Any parent who's spent hours trying to get their little ones to sleep will tell you: Baby Shusher is worth it! This innovative miracle machine uses age-old shushing techniques to ease your baby's crying. Its tried and tested method helps calm babies and ease them to sleep.

It can also ease the stress of bonding with your baby, especially if they come from an egg donor or surrogate carrier. There are many ways to increase comfort with your child even though you did not carry them.

Sleep Challenges Your Baby Will Have in the First Year

Many babies and infants have trouble developing a healthy sleep schedule in the first year. My little angel was no different! It was difficult to put her to sleep as every little thing would wake her. 

Constant holding and rocking were a matter of course as she would fight sleep, and it often took more than an hour to get her to calm down. To make matters worse sleep seldom lasted. She was consistently waking up and fussing. 

Baby monitors are all the rage nowadays, however, they're more useful for monitoring your baby's sleep than actually helping them fall asleep.

Methods We Tried to Get Our Baby to Sleep

Needless to say, we tried countless ways to make her sleep routine a little easier. We tried YouTube videos, sleep apps, and even a white noise machine. Some were more successful than others and each idea came with pros and cons. 

YouTube Music

Often parents try to incorporate soft lullabies or soothing classical music found on YouTube, for example.


  • Usage is free.
  • There's a variety of music to choose from.


  • YouTube ads could interrupt her sleep.
  • It is more difficult to enjoy complete use of your phone while using it play shushing sounds.

White Noise

White noise machines create ambient noises to drown out distracting sounds. While many parents swear by their efficacy, they don't work for all babies.


  • Mimics ambient noises baby heard in the womb.
  • Masks other household noises.


  • White noise machines are expensive. 
  • White noise doesn't really soothe babies.
  • The baby can become accustomed to the noise, so it no longer works.

Sleep Apps

There are several progressive tracking apps that allow parents to log their baby's sleeping patterns. These apps can identify when your little one is next likely to be tired and send you a notification. This can help you anticipate nap time before your baby becomes fussy. 


  • Tracks sleep times to help you maintain a baby's sleep schedule.
  • Helps you anticipate sleep or naptime. 


  • Sleep apps typically only work from 4 months and up.
  • Monthly subscriptions can be costly.

More About the Baby Shusher Device & App

Baby Shusher is a lightweight device that mimics the sounds your baby heard while they were in the womb. The "shhh" noise activates baby's natural calming reflex and instantly soothes and lulls them to sleep.

Since Baby Shusher is made from childsafe BPA-free materials, and is safe to use from birth. Adjustable volume controls keep the noise level within the recommended limit of 85 decibels. It is also fit for everyday day use on and as-needed basis.

It's easy to hold with one hand or simply place in the little one's crib or bassinet. Since it's so compact, it's easy to take with anywhere the baby goes! It uses 2AA batteries which last several weeks, depending on how often it's used. 

Alternatively, you can easily download the Baby Shusher App on iTunes or Google Play to simplify baby's bedtime. It offers the same shushing capabilities as the actual Baby Shusher, as well as additional sounds that will help soothe your baby.

  • The "Shhh" sound helps baby fall asleep quicker
  • Lightweight with strap for portability
  • Uses a real human voice for shushing baby
  • A dedicated solution that does not rely on a phone or app to function.
  • Acts quickly!

How Baby Shusher Solves Problems as a Portable Device

One of the biggest advantages of the Baby Shusher is that it's a stand-up device. This means you don't have to hold it for it to work. Unlike using your phone to play YouTube videos, you won't need to prop the device against a pillow!

There's also no need to juggle a baby in one arm and a device in the other. Simply switch the unit on and place it on a table, cupboard or shelf next to the crib or bassinet. 

You can even place the unit inside the crib without any issue. Its lightweight and compact design makes it easy to carry around or simply add to the diaper bag when you're traveling. It's also easy to set up wherever you lay the baby down. It has proven so useful is such variety of settings that some customers go so far as to call the Baby Shusher as their right-hand man.

Final Thoughts

As I mentioned, if we had a Baby Shusher when my little princess was a baby, I think we all would have gotten a lot more sleep! If you're a parent with a baby who struggles to fall asleep, or wakes up frequently, this baby soother is a total game changer! So, are you still wondering, "Is Baby Shusher worth it?" For the sake of you and your little one's sleep, know that it most definitely is!

Customer Review – “She took to it right away”

Customer Review - "We used Baby Shusher Constantly"


Thank you to Balint Horvath for contributing this guest post. You can check out his blog at for help on the A-Z of fatherhood.

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